Health and Hygiene Activities:

1. Dewarming Day:

In our school dewarming tablets will distributed twice every year on ‘National Dewrming Day’ as per guidelines of Government of Telangana. The tablets may distributed under supervision of Primary Health Center employees and local health workers.  

2. Health Checkup Camps:

Health Camps 2

Health checkup camps may conducted in our school and if found any student suffering with any health problem may referred to MGM Hospital for more detailed checkup. Local health workers and Employees of PHC, Inavole will guide the children and provides suitable medicines. First aid box will be maintained in our school.

3. Awareness Activities:


Health awareness programmes were conducted in our school woth the help of Primery health center as well as NGO’s to aware about personal hygiene. Swatchtha Shapath programme also conducted. Nails and personal hygiene checking may conducted in morning assembly and evening role call. 

4. Live Health Awareness Programmes in :

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Children, Teachers and Local Health Workers together will observe the live Health awareness programmes conducted by Government of Tealngana through T-SAT Channel. Followup programmes will also conducted after the programme. Hand Wash techniques and proper guidance will be given by PHC employees.

5. Disinfecting Spray :

In Covid pandemic situations regular disinfecting spray is going in all class rooms and other rooms with the help of Village Sarpench and Gramapanchayath workers.